PSPCL JE – Sub Station Attendant Result
PSPCL JE – Sub Station Attendant Result out. Punjab state Power Corporation Limited , PSCPCL , Patiala Declared the result of the posts of Junior Engineer of Electrical And Sub station Attendant Advertisement of 291/2017 . Candidate can check the result on the link which is described below the post written test of this recruitment is held on 26-2-2018 . and the another post substation Attendent was held on 27-2-2018. All these posts result are now declared by PSPCL.
All the candidate who is looking for these posts result your waiting is now over check your result on the Click on the links to download the pdf file. PSPCL provide Cobined merit list of all candidate and another categories wise list will be updated shortly . Shortlist candidate will for document verification . Download result and check your name .